Innovative LTE 450 antenna solutions from EAD
LTE 450 antenna solutions are available from EAD. Based on our portfolio of innovative designs, antennas can be supplied for LTE 410 or LTE 450 networks.
Offering both MIMO and SISO antenna solutions, EAD has a range of omni-directional antennas to complete LTE 450 and LTE 410 deployments.
The LMO4547 antenna is a wall-mount, pole-mount or non-metal surface mount, dual polarized MIMO omni-antenna. With one vertically polarized element and one horizontally polarized element, the LMO4547 is compact and designed for permanent outdoor deployment. It can be deployed for fixed site access, mobile applications or off-shore marine environments.
The WCO-450-MIMO-WMB is a compact MIMO, durable and robust 450-470 MHz outdoor omni antenna. Based on our proven WCO (waterproof compact omni) platform, this antenna can be wall-mounted and is ideal for commercial and industrial applications requiring LTE 450 access. This antenna can easily be re-tuned for 410-430 MHz making it ideal for LTE 410 applications too.
The WCO-450-WMB is a wall-mount 450-470 MHz SISO antenna designed for continuous outdoor deployment. The UV-resistant LURAN sheath is mounted onto N-Female connector barrel which is attached to a stainless steel L-bracket.
All 3 antennas are terminated directly in a connector or a short pigtail so can be easily deployed with jumper cables such as RF195 or RF240.
For a mobile applications where a non-permanently mount antenna is required, the LP-MAG-450 is robust solution. Once again based on our proven WCO platform, the WCO antenna is married with a rugged magnetic mount thereby offering a durable installation for public service, industrial and commercial vehicles and systems.
For terminal mount the WCO 410 and 450 MHz antennas can be fitted with TNC Male / TNC-Female / N-Male and N-Female connectors to to provide terminal mount or through-hole mount antennas for fixed and mobile terminals and enclosures.
For more information and pricing on our LTE 450 antennas and LTE 410 antennas, please contact us.